User Testing with Experts

Whilst I received valuable feedback from my client contact, it was also imperative to gain some feedback from different perspectives. I invited several Dynamic colleagues to test SmartByte. Each participant works with eLearning on a daily basis and have done for many years therefore the feedback I receive will be of the highest standard.
Louisa Page (Junior Creative Developer)
Elliot Overend (Senior Creative Developer)
Callan Richardson (Creative Developer)
Henry Fuller (Project Manager)
Fin Pickford (LMS Technical Support and Developer)

I gave each participant a vague description of the project and then asked them to use the app without any prior instruction on its functionality. By doing this, I was able to observe the participants actions and how they operated the app. Throughout the user observation, I took note on requiring themes between the participants, such as:
  • noticed there was no password protection on the 'Create an account' page.
  • There was a disabled 'Continue' button which I forgot to remove. This caused some confusion.
  • When I asked the user to log back in, two of the participants forgot their password.
After observing each participant, I then asked for any further feedback on the app. I created some prompt questions which were as follows:
  1. What is your view on SmartByte’s branding?
  2. How did you find the login/register system? (inc. data collection)
  3. Did you experience any faults with the app (bugs, freezing/crashing?)
  4. Could you easily navigate around the app without prior instruction?
  5. How would you describe the app’s aesthetics?

You could add pictures to make it more interactive.
Following people – company size dependent.
Can’t delete posts.
Like the simplicity – clean.
Can't add cards manually.
Add profile pictures.
Something to appear after the all the cards have been shown – completion etc.
Very easy to use and self-explanatory.
Reset password?
Simple look – not much colour
Really like the branding on the log in and register screens.

Add password protection to password field on ‘Register’.
Like the scroll on the compose page. User are more use to scrolling down than they are side-to-side.
Compose icon is easily recognisable.
Ability to add more cards.
Privacy notices – new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) rule.
Simple and easy to use.

Observation note: Hesitated on the swipe cards – wasn’t quite sure what to do.
Posts with highest up-votes are at the top?
As a previous user of Tinder, I expected there to be something different happen when swiping left/right. To up vote or down vote for example.
Like the simplicity
Search feature – subtitle for each individual card?
Really like the branding, especially the background.
Good interaction and engaging with user – swiping is easy to use.

Visually really good.
Motivation for people to share content. Gamification? Share a certain amount of tips would level up.
Notifications – end of the day ‘any top tips’ you would like to share today – would notifiy the user on topics they are interested in. 
Tagging - so you can see topics other users are interested in
Forgot password on Login

Include filter onto the posts – user can choose (most up votes/latest etc.)
Is it possible to have the cards on a carousel so they repeat?
Really easy to use.
Add images onto the cards
Give the cards a specific title
Would other companies see my content?
Can’t edit/delete cards
Forgot password link
Having the cards as a widget on the iPhone – further development


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